Is Quarantine really Chill?

By: – Shreyanshi Jha

“Today life is free but we all are prisoned in our homes.”
Our college life came to a sudden halt when the disaster COVID-19 kept its leg in India. This isolating period made us realized that we have been taking our whole life to be too granted. Life is precious and we have been hearing this, but it took really long time to realize that. The day everyone will be back to their job will be the day where our duty will be a privilege for us and not burden. Let us all recall the day when we were the observer about the beauty of everything that surrounds us. Those busy roads are all that we desire, now isn’t it weird. Imprisonment in our own house has made us realize what those caged birds would be hopeful of.


But a human that stand with the support of the railings of his balcony can see those clear sky, but can’t be beneath those sky. We are that generation who rely on sabotaging others to succeed, so, this is what people believe that this corona virus is the result of our competitor view. We really have no idea, is it really the outcome of the competitor minds or anything else, but people are inferring it in many way.

Many memes are trending that portray the complication of this quarantine.These days feels so cold and long. These days and nights are quiet more than we could sustain. We don’t want to give up but there is something which makes us feel that we are being weaker day by day. That’s what even MHRD talked about, “that is to take care of your mental health”. When entire world is under lockdown what we can do is just take precautions, and be safe. It’s difficult to be positive whole day, its seriously okay to break down at times, but do remember it will take our positivity to be out of this pandemic.

What friends might be feeling “I’ll be counting days and night till the day we all are back together”. It’s the same generation who told that they can survive in one room for forever, if food and internet is provided, but now they are failing to abide by it. So here Daksha is with few tips for your quarantine to be bearable because we really give false hope for it’s to be chill.
Here it is:-
Reading those pending books:-
We are really a complaining generation. Every time we were said to do certain reading and our world famous excuse come to our rescue “we don’t have time”, So, now it’s time to complete reading our favorite author’s book.
Spend some time with your family:-
Family is our ultimate stop in this long journey. So, this is that golden chance to add memories to our family life. Make your bonds stronger with them because when this whole world turn against you it is the most comfy place. Be there for your family and help each other to pass this difficult time.
Learn out about yourself:-
Try to spend some time with yourself. Have certain motivation for your goodwill. Bring out your hobbies. In this busy life we forgot about our own self now it’s time read yourself.
Go back to your hobbies
Now we have the time to find out our new hobbies. Take out your crayons or rake and go to your favorite field.

Just be positive and hope that we will soon be out of this pandemic.

Stay home stay safe

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